Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl...

My Sweet Kiley Jean,

Today you are 5.  I almost can't even believe it.  5.  It seems like just yesterday you were born.  It seems like just yesterday you completed our family in a way I never imagined possible.

You are one truly amazing kid.  I am constantly in awe of what an incredible little person you are becoming.  You are a kind and caring friend to all people and your heart is as good as gold.  You love with every fiber of your being and I hope that you never change that about yourself.  You are adventurous and daring and really afraid of nothing.  You play soccer like a super star and concentrate on your dance steps like a girl twice your age.

5 means kindergarten, and change, and new friends.  I know that you'll face all this with determination and strength because that's just the way you are.

Keep up the amazing job at growing up to be something special.  You're already off to a great start.

I love you,

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