Happy 2nd birthday.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to be your mom. You have taught me more about patience and love than you will ever know. You have made our family complete in a way that I never knew it was missing something. I love you more than words could ever express. I love how much you love Cole and how much you miss him when he is at school. I love how you just know that you are a riot (you get this from your dad). You wake each day with a fearless look in your eye that is both delightful as well as terrifying all at the same time. Somewhere I know that your Grandpa Bob is laughing at your antics and he smiles every time you attempt one of your magic tricks (where you yell abracadabra and pull a Lego out of your pocket).
I am convinced that you think you are Cinderella and you'll sing "wash the dishes, fold the laundry" while I do either of those chores. I'm stopped every single day by someone who needs to tell me how beautiful you are. And you are indeed beautiful. But what they don't know and can't see is how beautiful you are on the inside. You love little babies and you become very upset when they are crying. You love your brother more than anyone and ask me all day long if it's time to go and pick him up. You love to give hugs and remember everyone in our extended family's name even if it's been a while since we've seen them.
You have been given the gift of an explosive vocabulary and verbal skills that make most people think you are a 3 year old. So my sweet princess, as you turn 2 and approach a time in your life of great exploration and discovery I wish for you another year without a visit to the ER for stitches or a broken bone (although I'm sure at least one of these is imminent with you). I wish for you lots of pinkalicious cupcakes and stories that end with happily ever after.
Love always,
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