Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today I am 35. Which feels old. Much older than 30. I took this picture last week because I wanted to take a second to capture what 35 looks like. Two little monkeys on my lap. Hanging out around the house. Wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Pretty much the status quo around here. But things are not really status quo around here. We've sold our house and are moving asap. I'm busy packing and we're working to find a builder that we like so that we can break ground on our lot at the beach. In the mean time we'll be renting an apartment. With a pool. Actually, with 2 pools. So I guess you could say that 35 is off to a pretty good start.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Shannon!!! It does indeed sound like 35 is starting off to be great! Good luck with finding a builder- it'll be so much fun to build a house perfect for the four of you!